1/48th scale

All items are in 1/48th scale

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Conversion kit, GAS48041
Conversion kit for the Tamiya base kit to make a Jagdpanzer IV L/70 (A) Zwischenlösung version.
Out of stock

1/48th , WWII, Black-Dog, German, Figures, BD-T48061
Detail set for the tamiya Jagdtiger. Includes thee track holders, periscope and a set of 2 figures.
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Detail set, HLX-48074
Complete detial set for the tamiya kit
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Detail set, HLX-48306
Complete pe detail set for the tamiya kit
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Detail set, HLX-48307
Set of grills for the Tamiya kit.
Out of stock

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Figures, GAS50380
Set of 2 full figures for use on the Sdkfz 2. This is the figures only.
2 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Detail set, HLX-48011
Detail set includes interior and extorior.
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Detail set, HLX-48138
photo etch detail set including grills for the Tamiya kit.
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Detail set, HLX-48170
grill set designed for the Tamiya Porsche version.
Out of stock

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Detail set, HLX48139
Photo etch set of grills for the Tamiya kit.
Out of stock

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Conversion kit, GAS48101
Complete zimmerited upper hull and turret for the Tamiya kit.
Out of stock

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Detail set, HLX-48169
Complete detail set for the Tamiya kit
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Stowage set, GAS48128
Stowage set for the Tamiya Krupp Kfz. 69
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Figures, GAS50374
Set of 2 full figures , officers and driver, for the Krupp Protze
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Black-Dog, German, Stowage set, BD-T48039
Stowage set for the Tamiya kit. Includes large mass for the rear area, trap for the crew area snow chained wheels, and other smaller pieces to be placed...
2 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Detail set, HLX-48010
Detail set includes interior and extorior, grills, windshield, and other items.
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Figures, GAS50326
Set of 3 figures, for the kubelwagen or other German softskin.,
Out of stock

1/48th , WWII, Black-Dog, German, Stowage set, BD-T48033
Stowage set for the Schwimmwagen. Set includes spare wheel, covered windshield, MG-42, and large amount of stowage for the rear seat area.
Out of stock

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Conversion kit, GAS48059
Conversion for the Kublewagen to make it into on of the ones used for starting tanks in cold weather.
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Figures, GAS50343
Set of 4 figures in relaxed poses. Can be used in almost any vehicle.
2 item(s)