1/48th scale

All items are in 1/48th scale

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Figures, GAS50347
Set of 3 figures in a street advance poses.
2 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Figures, GAS50375
Set of German paratroopers in relaxed positions.
2 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Figures, GAS50398
Set of 3 figures mad to me riding a motorcycle with sidecar.
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Complete kit-resin, HLX-48206
Complete kit to make the field kitchen used by Germany thru the entire war.
Out of stock

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Detail set, HLX48052
Set of early extinguishers with the brackets.
3 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Detail set, HLX-48056
Set of 4 resin late war extinguisher with phtot etch holders and clamps.
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Detail set, HLX-48327
Detail set for ACE kit. Includes parts for cannon and trailer.
2 item(s)

1/35th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Figures, GASTAR48321
Set of 2 Flak crew figures. (NOTE these are sold under the TARMAC name but are GASOLINE products)
Out of stock

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Complete kit-resin, GASMF48570
Complete kit to make the Flakpanzer 38(t) Gepard Sd.Kfz.140 anti aircraft tank armed with Flak 38 20mm cannon. This is a kit that has to be assembled and...
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Detail set, HLX-48333
Complete detail set for the Tamiya kit.
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Complete kit-resin, MFGAS48564
Complete kit of the Hetzer armed with a flame thrower
Out of stock

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Complete kit-resin, GAS50158
Complete kit to make a German Granatwerfer 42 120mm mortar. This kit includes the mortar, trailer, and ammo trailer. It can be built in the firing or...
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Complete kit-resin, GASMF48569
Complete kit to make the complete kit to make the Grille 38(t) Ausf.H Sd.Kfz.138/1 armed with the sig 33 150mm cannon. This is a kit that has to be...
Out of stock

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Figures, GAS50324
Set of 2 full fingers in winter dress with fire can to keep warm
Out of stock

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Detail set, GAS48134
Canvas top for the Tamiya or GASOLINE kits. Resin
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1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Stowage set, GAS48133
Stowage set for Tamiya or GASOLINE kit.
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Hauler, German, Detail set, HLX48370
Photo etch set for the Tamiya kit
2 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Complete kit-resin, GAS50242
Complete kit to make one of the early war horse drawn wagons. Kit comes with the wagon and 2 horses.
Out of stock

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Complete kit-resin, GASMF48574
Complete kit to make the Jagdpanzer 38(t) Infanteriegeschütz 33/2(Sf) aremed with the sig 33 150mm cannon. Kit has a detailed interior. This sis a kit that...
1 item(s)

1/48th , WWII, Gasoline, German, Conversion kit, GAS48042
Conversion kit for the Tamiya base kit to make a Jagdpanzer IV (V) L/70 Vomag version. Kit also includes the side armor skirts.
Out of stock