1/35th scale

All items listed here will be in 1/35th scale

1/35th , WWII, Accurate Armour, British, Commonwealth, Gas, water, and oil cans, AA-A007
Set of 24 Petrol/Oil/Water (POW) cans. These were used in the early part of WWII
Out of stock

1/35th , WWII, Accurate Armour, British, Commonwealth, Small Arms, ammo, and Mortars, AA-G006
This 1/35th scale model kit in resin by Leon Hassing and Rob Tearle depicts the British 4.2 Inch heavy mortar, designed in 1941, originally for the delivery...
1 item(s)

1/35th , WWII, Accurate Armour, British, Commonwealth, Ammo and Ammo boxes - large guns, AA-A063
A comprehensive Ammunition and packaging set for the British 4.5" Gun (Available as gun kit AA-G003). The set includes shells, charges, transport cases and...
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1/35th , WWII, Accurate Armour, British, Commonwealth, Complete kit-resin, AA-G003
This little known 'brother' of the famous 5.5" medium artillery gun (G04) was designed and introduced after the loss of most of the Royal Artillery weapons...
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1/35th , WWII, Resicast, British, Commonwealth, Complete kit-resin, RC-35.1217
Complete kit of the 4.5" howitzer, limber, and ammo. This gun was used in by the BEF and North Africa
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1/35th , WWI, Resicast, British, Complete kit-resin, RC-35.1292
Complete kit of the British quick load howitzer used in WWI. Some of these countinue in service with the BEF in early WWII and other where by FIninland in...
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1/35th , WWI, Resicast, British, Complete kit-resin, RC-35.1293
Complete kit of the British quick load howitzer used in WWI. Kit is the complete as hauled unit with the cannon, wagon, and limber. Can be built deployed...
1 item(s)

1/35th , WWI, Resicast, British, Commonwealth, Complete kit-resin, RC-35.1295
British 4.7" cannon used for long range artillery in WWI
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1/35th , WWII, Accurate Armour, British, Commonwealth, Complete kit-resin, AA-G004
This all resin model comes complete with sights, tools, covers, loading tray and a small selection of ammunition and packaging. A comprehensive ammunition...
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1/35th , WWII, Accurate Armour, British, Commonwealth, Ammo and Ammo boxes - large guns, AA-A062
A comprehensive resin Ammunition and packaging set for the British 5.5" Gun(Available as gun kit AA-G004). The set includes shells, charges, transport...
1 item(s)

1/35th , WWI, Resicast, British, Commonwealth, Conversion kit, RC-35.1283
Conversion set for the Thunder Models 7.2" cannon to turn it into on of the 6" version that saw usage in WWI
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1/35th , WWI, Resicast, British, Complete kit-resin, RC-35.1233
Complete kit of the British WWI 6 pound howitzer and limber. (Only includes 1 gun but parts to make the WWI or BEF version)
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1/35th , WWII, Resicast, British, Commonwealth, Ammo and Ammo boxes - large guns, RC-35.2304
Set of early war 6 pounder ammo creates. has 5 closed and 5 open boxes.
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1/35th , WWII, Resicast, British, Commonwealth, Ammo and Ammo boxes - large guns, RC-35.2265
Set of ammo for the 6 pound gun. Set includes 15 shells, 10 empty shells, 6 closed steel contains, 2 open steel containers.
Out of stock

1/35th , WWII, Resicast, British, Commonwealth, Complete kit-resin, RC-35.1225
Complete kit of the British large 6" howitzer from WWII used in BEF and NA
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1/35th , WWI, Resicast, British, Commonwealth, Complete kit-resin, RC-35.1265
Complete kit of the British large 6" howitzer used in WWI. This version has the girdles used to reduce the ground pressure. This is a limited production kit...
1 item(s)

1/35th , WWI, Resicast, British, Commonwealth, Complete kit-resin, RC-35.1296
Britih naval gun convereted for land usage mount on the heavier Mk III frame.
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1/35th , WWI, Resicast, British, Ammo and Ammo boxes - large guns, RC-35.2371
Ammo set for the Resicast 60 pounder cannon. Has ready rounds, empty containers, and charges.
1 item(s)

1/35th , WWII, Resicast, British, Commonwealth, Ammo and Ammo boxes - large guns, RC-35.2417
Ammo and casing set for the 7.2" cannon. Designed  to be used with the artillery Scammell but will work with anything . Includes 20 rounds
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$95.95 $85.95
1/35th , WWII, Accurate Armour, British, Commonwealth, Complete kit-resin, AA-G005
This huge artillery gun was introduced after the loss of most of the Royal Artillery weapons in France during 1940, and combined a lined down 8" barrel on...
1 item(s)